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1.1  Overview

1.1.1  Consonants

 bilabiallabiodentaldental & c.velar & c.glottalpharyngeal
plosivep [ph] t [th, t], dk [kh, k], g 
affricate  dz [ʣ]  
fricative f, vsch [x]h [h, ħ]
nasalm [m] nn [ŋ] 
liquid  l [lj], r [ɾ, r]  
prelabialized liquid  wr, wl [wɾ, wl]  

Phonotactical restriction include:

Anaptyxis in consonant clusters:

Positional change of s to h:

There is a twofold lenis-fortis distinction:


1.1.2  Vowels

i, ī [i, i:]y, ȳ [ʏ, y:]u, ū [u, u:]
e [ε]ë [œ]o, ō [ɔ, o:]
a, ā [a, a:] 

The diphthongs can be represented in a neat little diagram. Kymna only employs ’homorganic’ diphthongs:

Hostorically, the mid long vowels [ε:, œ:, ɔ:] broke into ei, ëy, ou [εı̯, œy̯, ɔu̯], wherefore long variants of e, ë do not appear in the language, although long ō has been recreated by other changes. The diphthong ae [aæ̯]∼[ɑʌ̯] only appears in Moluma where it is the result of long [a:]∼[ɑ:].

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