I welbaresse loque londor
Terehtyaner mi saire.
Millípave i laiquarondor
Quiquirruner mi quaire.
"Yambarondoll' á ruke, yonya!
Ancaryat nakat, nappar narkar!
Úmára Lumno, a nildonya!
Orrúsea i Sarkar!"
San mahtanes i valmakil
Ruxossea raukanna.
As sernes undu Aldaril,
Henduryat vahaiyanna.
Ar epta túle Yambaron,
Rúsesse hendunarya.
Ter túke lendes aldaron
Ar nyerrunes saukarya.
Nó sille-talle ristala
I valmakil kikirrane!
Nákeryes ar alkárala
Kallolma naneménie.
"Anákietye Yambaron?
Á tule rankonyannat, yonya!
E alkallassea sin' aure!
E lalkaka hondonya!"
I welbaresse loque londor
Terehtyaner mi saire.
Millípave i laiquarondor
Quiquirruner mi quaire.
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.
‘Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!’
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
‘And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’
He chortled in his joy.
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
Literal translation of the Quenya (as far as it can be done and necessarily awkward):
At welbare the loqua londos
Were drilling in the saire.
And mimsily the laiquarons
Were gyring in the quaire.
‘Fear the Jabberwock, my son!
Its jaws bite [dual], its claws rend!
Bad is the Lumno, my friend,
And frumious the Sarkar!’
And thus he took up the the mightysword
Against the manxome foe.
And stood under the Aldaril,
His eyes [fixed] into the distance.
And thereupon came the Jabberwock,
In a fiery-eyed rage.
He went through the tulgey wood
And burbled wickedly.
But cutting this way and that
The mightysword was reaping!
He killed him and alkárala
Our [incl.] hero came back.
‘You have slain the Jabberwock?
Come into my arms, my son!
How frabjous is this day!’
How lalkaka my heart!
In translating this famous poem by Lewis Carrol, I have used several strategies:
- Some words are known to be portmanteaus and their formation in English can be imitated in Quenya.
- In some cases there is more to the portmanteaus, they are sound-symbolic in themselves, so that a general feeling is invoked even without knowing the constituents. In such a case it seemed desirable to imitate the sound-symbolic formation in Quenya.
- Sometimes I used vaguely phonetic adaptations by replacing common English sounds with common Quenya sounds.
- I happily took words from Early Qenya (QL). I think that using them in late Quenya adds that certain je-ne-sais-quoi that is captured by Lewis Carrol with his constructions. The poem is therefore not necessarily targeted to a Quenya speaker in Arda, but rather to a Quenya linguist with knowledge of all the stages of the language.
- Following the above idea, some portmanteaus involve two separately attested roots for the same concept, or sometimes a word in Early Qenya compounded with a late Quenya one.
- In some cases, the formations were intuitive and I came up with them on the spot as a result of all the Quenya stuff stored within the so-called default mode network in my brain... I think there is a word for that: 'poetry'.
- brillig 'the time when you begin broiling things for dinner': *welbare < QL welba 'boiling, bubbling' (thinking of preparing tea or something similar rather than the unattested 'broiling')
- slythy [ˈslaɪ̯ði] is said to be 'lithe + slimy', but sl is a well-known English phonaestheme, cf. slime, slack, slump, slip, slug. An exact equivalent in Quenya is difficult to find; perhaps a combination of liquid+velar suggests twisting, cf. LOKO 'twine, twist, curl' (GL:54), RIK(H)- 'twist' (VT39:7), LOK- 'bend, loop' (PE17:160). Hence suggestive Q. *loqua.
- tove: an average English wordshape imitated by an average (and alliterating) Quenya wordshape *londo
- gyre 'go round like a gyroscope': The QL root QIŘI for spinning seems to reappear later in Q. quer- 'to turn', hence *quirru-, iterative *quiquirru- 'keep revolving'
- gimble 'make holes like a gimlet': *terehtya- 'drill, make holes' < QL teret, terekt- 'augur, borer, gimlet'
- rath 'a sort of a green pig': *laiquaron, laiquarond- 'a kind of green animal'
- mimsy 'flimsy + miserable': *millípa < milya 'soft, gentle, weak' + nípa 'small (usually with connotation of weakness)'
- *saire, *quaire: just completely made-up and nondescript locations
- Jabberwock: semi-adapted phonetically by substituting j for Q. y, bb for Q. mb and adding a name-formative suffix -on(d), hence *Yambaron, *Yambarond-
- Jubjub bird: said to be 'found in a narrow, dark, depressing and isolated valley'; hence *Lumno, suggesting gloom and ominousness, cf. lumna 'lying heavy, burdensome, oppressive, ominous', lumba 'gloomy'.
- frumious 'fuming + furious': *orrúsea as intensification of rúsea 'wrathful' or a combination with or- 'rising'.
- Bandersnatch: said to be ferocious and fast, with a long neck and snapping jaws, here intuitively rendered by *Sarkar, maybe invoking narka- 'to rend' (EQ narka 'snappy, ill-tempered') and perhaps saura 'cruel, foul, evil'.
- vorpal blade: *valmakil transparently 'mighty sword'
- manxome: possibly 'manly + buxom', basically 'fearsome' in the context; rendered by *ruxossea combining RUK- and THOS-, two different roots for 'fear'
- Tumtum tree: *Aldaril 'glittering tree', a little homage to Arda
- *hendunarya 'having fiery eyes'
- tulgey wood: perhaps 'thick, dense, dark wood', rendered by *túke aldaron 'thicket of trees', cf. tunga 'thick, dense', tiuka 'thick, fat'
- burble 'bleat + murmur + warble', imitated by a portmonteau *nyerru- < *nyéna- 'lament' + *nurru- 'murmur, grumble, mumble'
- galumphing 'galloping + triumphant', rendered by *alkárala: present participle of alkar 'glory' interpreted as a verb
- frabjous 'fair + fabulous + joyous': imitated by *alkallassea < alkar 'glory' + alasse 'joy, merriment, happiness' + adj. -a
- lalkaka: portmanteau of Q. lala- 'laugh' and QL kaka- 'laugh'