Ye gaiar ulia tere i gallai,
Ye vilua logna imbena danta,
Ye volai siriar nandina pallai,
Ye men ma spalastai elnio panta.
Ye cavai be ciriai sīlar mi amba,
Ye spaniai duitar ilpa mi Dūmen,
I cemen leptāna ma elencambo,
Nō auta duime pa stenna lūme.
Fuinegāiai i finie luine au-māpar,
Telpelni i vilua branda empātar.
The Ocean is pouring through the trees,
And the wet sky is falling into the ravine,
And waves are flowing upon the wide fields
And the way is filled with foaming stars.
And houses like ships are shining at the top
And clouds are drenching all in the West,
The earth is touched by a starry hand,
But the flood disappears after a short time.
Night-fears take the blue evening away,
While the silvery stars refill the lofty sky.
A Telerin poem on a Telerin topic, how it could have been composed on Tol Eressëa without ever leaving the borders of the realm of the Lindai.
It contains a little pun concerning the words gaiar/gāia - when the Elves arrived at the coasts of the Belegaer they felt fear in front of the Great Sea and therefore named it Gayar (WJ:400); whence T. gaiar 'Ocean', but literally 'the Terrifier'. Later the situation changed and the Teleri became the most skilled shipbuilders among the Eldar, yet this word remained.
In the poem, a blue evening is compared to the Ocean's water mixed with sky, flowing through the streets. But this dread, which has in fact become a pleasant thing, disappears when the 'true' one, the darkness of the night, consumes it.
*ulia 'pours' (aor.) (< UL-)
*tere 'through' (< TER-)
*vilua 'air, lower air, distinct from the 'upper' of the stars' (< WIL-; Q.: vilwa, wilwa)
*danta 'falls' (aor.) (< DAT-; Q. lanta-, S. danna- 'to fall')
*siria'flows' (aor.) (< SIR-)
*nandina (allative pl.) < *nan(d)/*nande 'valley' (Q. nan (nand-), nandë (UT:253 etc.))
*palla 'wide, expansive' (< PAL-; same in Q.)
*be 'like' (< *BE; Q. ve)
*panta 'full' (< KWA-T; Q. quanta, S. pant)
*ilpa'everything' (< IL-, KWA-; Q. ilqua)
*Dūmen 'West' (< NDU-, Q. Nú-men)
*cemen 'earth' (< KEM-; same in Q.)
*leptana 'touched' (past part.) < lepta- 'finger, feel with fingertips' (VT47:10,24; < LEP-)
*nō 'but' (VT41:13, same in Q.)
*pa 'after' (Q. apa, pá, pa VT44:36)
*stenna 'short' (< STEN- (PE17:185), S. then, esten, Q. senna
*finie 'evening' (< THIN-; Q. sinyë)
*empātar 3rd pl. pres. < *en-pat- 'refill' (< KWAT-)