nalþad a naergon
mhi Nargoþrond
noer lachar
naeg únuiþol
míriaþ memphin
muil tœgenþin
na mband e-Mbauglir
dramha Gurþang,
degir dreim
dregar doeg
nuiþa Mhormegil
I amlug bheleg
Glaurung gorgoreb
dâr Húrinion,
hen hebir hent amlug.
3 Glaurung:
"ai, hên Húrin
mae g'obhanden
men gîn ogl
dagnir e-mellon
mabr e-meleþ
dregr o mbar
naneþ a neþeg
muil mhin maur
þiog arphen
di awarþanþeg
man ind adareg
ae istaþa?"
eðil egleðiar,
gwanþar gostol
nalþa Finduilas
naegeb a níneb
leiþanþen o lûþ
câb Túrin
canol n'amlug
criþad i úbhan
6 Glaurung:
"ae nírag gwanþad
ñuruþ anþaþon
dan man i dulu
an Nienor a Morwen?
ú-lastanþeg lam elleþ,
narchog 'weð noþrim?
ego, gi leiþion,
lenno lagr
na nosseg
ae berþog!
eiþanþen benn
i abha ant hen!"
Crying and weeping
in Nargothrond,
fires burn,
pain without cease,
jewels are taken,
prisoners brought
to the duress of Bauglir.
Gurthang heweth,
the blows are slaying
the orcs are fleeing,
Mormegil is stopped
by the mighty drake,
Glaurung the Horrible.
The son of Húrin standeth,
kept by the eyes of the dragon.
3 Glaurung:
"Hail, son of Húrin,
Well met.
Evil is thy way,
slayer of a friend,
thief of love,
deserter of thy kin.
Thy mother and little sister
are slaves in the gloom,
thou art like a noble,
having abandoned them.
What shall be thy father's thought
when he knoweth?
Elves are leaving,
Fearfully departing.
Finduilas crieth,
full of pain and tears.
Freed from the spell
Leapeth Húrin
shouting towards the dragon,
to reap the monster.
6 Glaurung:
"If it is thy wish to die,
I shall grant thee death,
but what use will there be
to Morwen and Nienor?
Thou listened not to the elvenmaid,
Wilt thou cut the bond of kindred?
Be gone, I release thee,
Fare quickly
to thy kin
if thou darest!
Scorn is the man
who denieth such a gift!"
Struggleth Túrin,
son of Húrin,
Mormegil strayeth,
the roaming wanderer
reaching his curse,
a bloodstained destiny.
According to the account Ælfwine and Dirhaval found in Morgoth's Ring, there was a man called Dírhavel (Dírhaval) who wrote the Narn i Chîn Húrin, having gathered information from other fugitives at the Havens, especially from Mablung. It was the longest of all the lays of Beleriand, written in alliterative verse called Minlamad thent (Minlamad estent), prized by the Elves and remembered by them.
This is my bold attempt to reproduce just a little part of this long lay, namely the meeting of Húrin and Glaurung at the destruction of Nargothrond. My orientation in style and the breaking up into stanzas has been the Poetic Edda.
The text is meant to be archaic (from the First Age), so that following alterations have been made:
In addition medial spirants nt > nþ, lt > lþ, mp > mph (bilabial) remain unchanged (compare Tolkien's remarks in VT42:27).
*memphin past participle < *mab- 'to seize, take' (< *MA-KWA- (VT47:6), cf. Old Noldorin map- in The Etymologies)
*hen acc. 'him, her' from Q. se, cf. e 'he' (SD:129)
*gorgoreb '(very) horrible' < gorgor + -eb
*mae g'obhanden 'well met', cf. mai | < kī | ƀandina (PE17:17)
*níra- 'to desire' (< NIR- (VT41:6); cf. aníra-)
*lenno (imp.) < *lenna- 'to fare' (< LED-, cf. anglenna-)
*raeþol present participle < *raetha- 'to reach' (< RAK-, Q. rahta-; cf. Goldogrin raitha '1) reach at, reach for 2) intr. reach, extend' (GL:65))