Ai Ioringli Blenthir a·Dimin

Ioringli am gwaili, gon·loma on·aini,
Go·gilma fung a·mûri.
Cantharol, blenc aini i·venc,
I·falos mortha lûri.
Ar ausi nim, celeptha tim,
Go·maron telfod lómin.
Or auglon·tinc, cantharol gwinc
O·mûthi Dora Nûmin.

Interlinear translation:

Eärendel up sail-PAST, from-shadow he-fare-PAST
from-edge dark of-night
flaming, brilliant go-PAST the-boat
the coast dim seep-PAST
and depart-PAST (pale) blue, silvern spark
from-sand last shadowy
on sunray-GEN-gleam, [a] flaming spark
he-left-PAST Land-GEN Western


Earendel arose where the shadow flows
At Ocean's silent brim;
Through the mouth of night as a ray of light
Where the shores are sheer and dim
He launched his bark like a silver spark
From the last and lonely sand:
Then on sunlit breath of day's fiery death
He sailed from Westerland.


This is an attempt to translate the beginning of the Eärendel poem from the Lost Tales II into Goldogrin. It has not turned out to be a very literal one, as I was trying to preserve the fixed metre and the exact rhyme scheme (which was quite a hard thing to do, Goldogrin is a bit clumsy and has a lot of endings).

In line 3 adjectives precede the noun they describe. This is in accord with GL:15 and can be explained here by a poetic word order, while the normal one would be: benc i-gantharol (ar) vlenc aini.

An audio-file with the reading can be found here (mp3, 311kB). Also check out a transcription into Gnomic Letters, a script for Goldogrin (PE15:108-110).

Comments are welcome here any time.
A special gratitude goes to Thorsten Renk, whos grammar article made my study of the GL much easier.


(inflected forms not asterisked)

blenthir 'most brilliant'; blenc 'brilliant' with the intensifying suffix -thir
gon-loma - initial l- is treated here as a vowel to distinguish it from gl- (see the remark on top of GL:9), so the ablative prefix go- becomes *gon-
pa. t. of us-/usta- (GL:75, not listed under A)
auglon·tinc - This is a genitive compound mentioned at the bottom of GL:15, just like Turion·Tur (without lenition). I could not properly translate the metaphorical line, so I used this in order to enhance the 'poetical quality'.
cantharol - Due to the metre one has to stress it canthárol instead of the regular cántharol. This 'poetical license' is given in GL:13 ('Accentual note').
Dora - used in the context without prefix as an ablative, just like bara 'from home' (GL:10)