Elbaradis, Tārinia!
Be telpe penda miria
Et menel' aclar elnio.
Haiāna palan-tīrala
Et gallapantai dorio
Spanoioglossen linduban
Nib gaiar, sī nib gaiaran.
O Elbereth our Queen! Like silver, jewel-sparkling,
the glory of the stars slants down.
Gazing far away from the tree-filled lands,
to Everwhite I will sing, on this side of the Sea,
here on this side of the Ocean.
This is a translation of Aerlinn in-Edhil o Imladris (LotR II ch.1, Rgeo:72) into Neo-Telerin. The original Sindarin text has been changed a bit in order to retain the fixed metre.
*Elbaradis - this is T. Baradis 'Varda' (< BARÁD-) with prefixed el- 'star' in resemblance of S. Elbereth
*Tārinia 'my Queen', T. *tari 'queen' < CE tārī < TĀ-; 1st sg. possessive -nia
*penda 'slants down' (aorist) < PEN-, PÉNED-, S. penna
*miria 'sparkling like jewels' - either from the same source as S. míria- 'to shine lika a mîr or jewel' (PE17:24), but not in participial form; or from hypothetical *miryā
*menelo 'from heaven', here menel' before a following vowel
#elnio 'of stars' (gen.); elni 'stars' (an archaic and poetic plural, WJ:362) with genitive inflection -o
*haiāna 'into distance'; *haia 'distance' < KHAYA- with allative suffix -na and medial lengthening as in *Linda > Lindārin (WJ:371)
*gallapantai 'tree-full' < galla 'tree' (VT39:7,19) + *panta-i 'full' (pl.) < KWAT-
*dorio 'from lands'; T. *dore 'land' < CE ndore < NDOR-; the genitive is used here in ablative sense with the preposition T. *et 'from', similarly et menelo
*Spanoioglossen - 'to Everwhite' (dat.) < #span- 'white' (< SPAN-) + *oio 'ever' (OY-) + *gloss 'snow' (< GOLÓS-); calque of S. Fanuilos
*linduban 'I shall sing' *linda- 'sing' < LIN2- + future inflection *-uba (Q. -uva)
*nib 'on this side' < NIB-; this stem does not produce any words in Quenya, but I imagine it to be productive in the whole Lindarin (Telerin) branch
*gaiaran 'the Ocean'; gaiar 'Sea' (PM:363) + extension -(a)n, cf. ƷAR- > aran