A Baradis!

Elbaradis, Tārinia!
Be telpe penda miria
Et menel' aclar elnio.
Haiāna palan-tīrala
Et gallapantai dorio
Spanoioglossen linduban
Nib gaiar, sī nib gaiaran.

Prose translation:

O Elbereth our Queen! Like silver, jewel-sparkling,
the glory of the stars slants down.
Gazing far away from the tree-filled lands,
to Everwhite I will sing, on this side of the Sea,
here on this side of the Ocean.


This is a translation of Aerlinn in-Edhil o Imladris (LotR II ch.1, Rgeo:72) into Neo-Telerin. The original Sindarin text has been changed a bit in order to retain the fixed metre.


*Elbaradis - this is T. Baradis 'Varda' (< BARÁD-) with prefixed el- 'star' in resemblance of S. Elbereth
*Tārinia 'my Queen', T. *tari 'queen' < CE tārī < TĀ-; 1st sg. possessive -nia
*penda 'slants down' (aorist) < PEN-, PÉNED-, S. penna
*miria 'sparkling like jewels' - either from the same source as S. míria- 'to shine lika a mîr or jewel' (PE17:24), but not in participial form; or from hypothetical *miryā
*menelo 'from heaven', here menel' before a following vowel
#elnio 'of stars' (gen.); elni 'stars' (an archaic and poetic plural, WJ:362) with genitive inflection -o
*haiāna 'into distance'; *haia 'distance' < KHAYA- with allative suffix -na and medial lengthening as in *Linda > Lindārin (WJ:371)
*gallapantai 'tree-full' < galla 'tree' (VT39:7,19) + *panta-i 'full' (pl.) < KWAT-
*dorio 'from lands'; T. *dore 'land' < CE ndore < NDOR-; the genitive is used here in ablative sense with the preposition T. *et 'from', similarly et menelo
*Spanoioglossen - 'to Everwhite' (dat.) < #span- 'white' (< SPAN-) + *oio 'ever' (OY-) + *gloss 'snow' (< GOLÓS-); calque of S. Fanuilos
*linduban 'I shall sing' *linda- 'sing' < LIN2- + future inflection *-uba (Q. -uva)
*nib 'on this side' < NIB-; this stem does not produce any words in Quenya, but I imagine it to be productive in the whole Lindarin (Telerin) branch
*gaiaran 'the Ocean'; gaiar 'Sea' (PM:363) + extension -(a)n, cf. ƷAR- > aran


Now maybe you will be wondering: A hymn of the Ñoldor from Imladris translated into Telerin, on the other side of the Sea? How is it possible, internally explained? Well, if there is one thing you can learn from Tolkien, it is often not what you write, but how you interpret it:
According to a later outline, which is described in the Unfinished Tales, there are some Teleri venturing to Middle-earth, as Celeborn and Celebrimbor. Celeborn weds the Ñoldë Galadriel and they establish a realm in Lothlórien by the Second Age. But this way Galadriel is separated from her Ñoldorin kin. And so she decides to visit them, dragging her husband all the way to Imladris. Now imagine Celeborn sitting in the grand hall of Elrond, listening to an endless chatting about news from Lindon and Aman, hopelessly bored to death.
But lo! A chant can be heard from outside, the Ñoldor are singing a hymn to Elbereth and Celeborn's heart is filled with longing after the lost shores of Tol Eressëa. He recalls his mother tongue again and the good old times when he was still a Mirimo, a free quendë in all senses of this word. And thus, he decides to fight boredom by translating this chant into Telerin. Well, and it comes out this way, as I imagine.