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1.16  Penedrethdulur

§ Penedrethdulur ’Dimrill-stair’ (RS:433)

The first element can be clearly identified with N. pendrad, pendrath ’passage up or down slope, stairway’ (PEN-,PÉNED-), here in the unsyncoped form. But pendrad, pendrath contain râd ’path, track’ (RAT-) or rath, translated as ’course, river-bed’ in The Etymologies (RAT-), later ’street’ (UT:461). An explanation of the shift of -a- to -e- in pendreth is difficult. Could it be assimilation to the e-e sequence of pened- or pluralization? Perhaps it is just a slip or misreading.
The second element may be connected with the stem DUL- ’hide, conceal’, whence N doll (dolt) ’obscure’; and is perhaps formed with ómataima-extended *dulu- and the adjectival ending -rā > -r, as in taurā ’mighty’ > N. taur (TUR-), the sequence u-u then resisting a-affection [7].

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