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2.35  Ogodrûth

§ Ogodrûth ’Entwash’ (TI:250)

This is the name of later Onodló (UT:459) or Onodiōl (RC:334) < onod ’ent’ + lô, #iôl ’fen(land)’.
Here, #ogod ’ent’ is probably still in the Old English meaning ’giant’ (see RS:205); but and the Elvish name is of unclear origin, just as later onod. In The Etymologies we find deleted KHAN-AK-, Q. hanako ’giant’ (VT45:21) and NOROTH-, Q. norsa ’giant’, *N. Noroth, all being completely different.
But also #rûth *’flood-water, fenland’ is difficult to relate to any other root or word. Adunaic #rôth ’foam’ < Rôthinzil ’Flower of the Foam’ (SD:360) comes somewhat close, while S. rûth ’anger’ or ’wrath’ (Silm.index, PE17:183,188) does not fit here at all.

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